BE OUR GUEST . . . . last night our guests were Cogsworth, The Beast, Lumiere, & the beautiful Belle . . . also known as: Teddy Kavanagh, Croix Harris, Michael Rose & Jameson Ackers -- just a few of the many stars of Georgetown Prep's production of the Disney classic, Beauty & The Beast! The treat was mine to sit down with these thespians to talk about their weekend musical masterpiece.
Opening show's curtain call is tomorrow at 7:30 with a B&B encore the following night, Saturday, again at 7:30, and a grand finale as Sunday's matinee at 2:00 -- all at Prep's famous and storied Figge Theatre. I am super stoked for what we all well know will be a show-stopping production of such an all-time favorite. . . . . please join so we can . . . . . BE THEIR GUESTS!
never forget:
Check out these 3 gems . . .