I am Gerrish -- and this is my 3xperiment . . . .
Nov. 19, 2023

THE BRYAN 11 FOUNDATION w/ Sean Strittmatter -- #160

THE BRYAN 11 FOUNDATION w/ Sean Strittmatter -- #160

Sean’s older brother, Bryan, passed away on January 27, 2022 at the age 26.  Bryan was the energy, light, joy, friend to so many.  Sean has since picked up the football to run with it – honoring Bryan in everything he does – coaching, relationships, life, and THE BRYAN 11 FOUNDATION.  Over the course of 2 years the Strittmatters have generated enough support and love to help 11 high schoolers down the pathway of life.  This is a remarkable testament to the love that Bryan generated in his brief time here on earth.  

Bryan’s love is still very much alive, and in our challenging times, the future shines bright for so many young people because of Bryan, the Strittmatter family, and everyone who continues to love Bryan and how Bryan lived.

"The Bryan 11 Foundation gives student-athletes the financial support they may need to attain a private education in the greater Washington D.C. area.

The Bryan 11 Foundation is not solely focused around the financial support but also to the commitment of each student’s endeavors faced during their four years in high school. We believe as a foundation that every student has the opportunity to explore their talents and receive an education at a school of their choosing, while putting the financial costs to the side. The Bryan 11 Foundation is striving to be committed to these students who are pursuing their love of sports and to keeping the legacy of Bryan Strittmatter close to their hearts."

Sean, thank you for telling Bryan’s story – you are mature beyond your years – and maybe that’s the Bryan living on in you.  Please check out:
https://bryan11foundation.org/ -- & please consider giving a gift toward the future of healthy young men.

From the beach overlooking the ocean, thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy our conversation.  Next time Sean, we do it at the beach – Bryan would like that – now here’s Sean!

w/ love,

Billy G!

#bryan11foundation #thebryan #annualgala #legacy #givingback #makingadifference #youngpeopleforchange #DCyouths #toughtimesmaketoughmen #thegerrish3xperiment #thegerrishexperiment #tellyourstory #speakyourpassion #theworldkneelsbeforeloveitisinawe #localpodcast  #tge #tg3 #love #billyg

never forget:

Tell your story; Speak your passion --


a sweet, nasty podcast founded in curiosity and good will toward men!