MAZ loved everyone and everyone loved MAZ. Some people just have a way about them -- the world and life seems to come easy -- and I'd venture to say this is largely because MAZ was in a total, beautiful harmony with the universe -- doing exactly what he was placed on this marbled rock to do -- teach, mentor, inspire the next generation of young men and women.
"With a pure heart the universe conspires in your favor."
MAZ was taken from us at too young of age (but who am I to say); however, what is certain is that MAZ is missed tremendously. When such a force for good to taken, a gulf is left in the wake. Alas, time marches on, but not without keeping a little (or a lot) of this the MAZ MAGIC about us -- to remember the MAZ's magic, is to become a little magical ourselves!
At Georgetown Prep, where MAZ taught for much of his career, there will be forever enshrined The Steven A. Maczynski Lecture Hall where young men and women will convene to dialogue on the high ideals of peace & global stewardship -- all-the-while listening to lectures that tickle the brain and concerts that fire the heart. At a time when we crave for love, levity, and true passion -- the time is NOW, and we need your help to make this beautiful dream and reality.
Ms. Rosita Whitman and MAZ were kindred spirts and worked hand-in-hand to elevate, levitate Prep's international community. These two human gems are a large reason why Prep's resident community is sought after the world-around and impacts back the world at large! It was a true treat to sit down with Rosita at Prep, above the South Room, and in the hollowed library of the Jesuits for a touching, lively, loving, fun conversation -- the only thing that was missing was MAZ, yet we trust that he is smiling down that big MAZ grin (no doubt having more fun than us!)!
All this being said about a wonderful man, please find it in your hearts and pocket-books to contribute for the completion of the MAZ lecture hall -- there certainly will be no better timeless beacon of virtue.
The Steven A. Maczynski Lecture Fund
PS -- There is a currently a 100% match going on for every donation -- but not for long!!!
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