Baby, it's cold outside is right!
It went from a balmy December to a frigid January kinda in a snap. As I type from my warm studio and as many may being sipping coffee or coco in comfort, there are many who are shivering. To help alleviate the shivers -- enter THE STAY WARM CHALLENGE! The Stay Warm Challenge is a charitable competition to raise money to form Stay Warm Bundles, which consist of blankets, mittens, hat, coats, etc -- all things that most of us are privileged to have with many others kinda dying for -- kinda literally. The Halls have already purchased what necessitates to 500 bundles which will be assembled when the challenge ends on February 5. Upon conclusion, the bundles are caravanned to shelters to be bestowed to those who are in need. The time is NOW!!
Get up, pitch in, make a difference!!
DONATE HERE -- VENMO -- when you donate, pick a team from the scoreboard below that you would like to contribute to and join.
If you would like to start your own team, email --
Founded with my brothers Andrew and William, Assist Goals provides a platform for students/athletes to make a difference in the community. Starting as clothing/food drives and the desire to help others, AG now promotes a life of giving.
-- Harrison Hall --
never forget:
Check out these 3 gems . . .