I have known Gail as long as I have known Henry. I have known Henry as long as he has known Linda. And I have truly known my sister as long as Henry and Linda have been in love -- and that has been a finger-licking long and good time.
Henry is my brother-in-law and his mother is Gail. Gail was born in England, spent time in India and the south of France, before she took a job with her home country which landed her in DC as a diplomat. Gail had a good ole time running with the young, fun, and international crowd of the Nation's Capital and it was then and there that Gail met Mark.
Jump forward 40 years, Gail is still here -- full of life, laughs, stories, perspective, and wisdom. We sat down for a lovely tete-a-tete on relationships, Britain, growing up 'round the world, photography, Connecticut, family, Harry & Meghan and the Royals, and more!!! There was much more that could have been talked and told, but that will have to wait for another day!!!
Thank you, Gail -- love you like a son!!!
never forget:
Check out these 3 gems . . .