Philip and I have not had much interaction, but sometimes not much is needed to connect. I have been a gadfly on the St. John's campus ever since graduating from their masters program some 10 years ago. Philip has been a tutor at St. John's College for almost 50 years. He is recently retired, but is still a fixture on campus and this summer finds him leading Summer Classics seminars on the seeds of astronomy and American poetry.
Phil most always wears a yarmulke -- his faith is an important part of Phil's life, but I never knew that he converted from Christianity to Judaism. We talk begin talking about religion and move to Colorado, Oxford, Prague, Germany, Santa Fe, St. John's and then back to religion.
Philip, it was a true treat to sit down with you and talk about what moves you. You are a pillar unto yourself and that is why people see you and feel you as a pillar of community!!!
never forget:
Check out these 3 gems . . .