Monsignor John Ensler has always preferred Father John. He says there have been so many good priests who have not been given this title, and I believe this to be true. But I have also had the thought that is it because Father John is a father at heart because he has the heart of a child. Whenever Father John says mass and there are kids in the pews, he speaks to them -- the mass is geared toward the children -- maybe because this thing called life isn't that complicated if in our grown-up lives we can let our hearts be like that of a child.
Father John's episode was my 50th podcast and it was truly one of the most enjoyable -- and I hope you enjoy the inspiration that flows from this wonderful man. We talk school, BS, St. B's, Catholic Charities, favorite foods, the pandemic, walks, people, and empathy that is found in the THE POWER OF YES!!!
"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." -- Matthew 18:3 --
Thanks, Father John!!!
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Check out these 3 gems . . .