Annette is on the board for the wonderful organization, OSTD, or for long -- Operation Seas The Day -- which helps to make the days of wounded vets by hosting them and their families at the beach for a week. For the week after Labor Day, members of the super generous and patriotic Bethany Beach community volunteer their homes for families affected by war to come and stay and heal and laugh and love with each other and other families down by the seashore.
Unfortunately, COVID has claimed another innocent and beautiful tradition and OSTD will be back in star and stripes and ready to host come summer 2022.
However there are still things to be done, should be done, will be done -- and Saturday, 9/11, will be the day!!! Saturday from 10 - 5 on the Bethany Beach Boardwalk, the town will host their annual art festival and OSTD will be on the bandstand selling lit merch -- that's lingo for beautiful clothing. OSTD will also be hosting a toast and tribute to vets near and far tomorrow (9/11) evening at 7PM complete with a USO tribute band -- creatively named, WWIIunes. I encourage one and all to descend on the Bethany Beach Boardwalk tomorrow for the art by day and the toast and tribute by night. What better way to spend 9/11!!?
For more cool and special information and ways to help and volunteer, please visit the OSTD website as seen below:
never forget:
Check out these 3 gems . . .