MARKEL STARKS is a professional basketball player in Turkey representing the city of Izmir. I first met Markel as an 8th grader at Mater Dei School and he impressed me form the jump. He went on to Georgetown Prep and then to Georgetown U -- where he captained the team and racked up accolades -- and for the last 10 years Markel has been living his dream of playing professional basketball. Beyond the hard court, Markel has a one-of-a-kind joie de vivre that he infects, quite literally, the world over. Markel recently got inducted into the Prep Hall Of Fame -- congrats!
Thank you, Markel, for being your beautiful self -- and telling your story; speaking your passion on the Pillars Podcast --
w/ love,
Billy G!
#markelstarks #izmir #turkeybasketball #euroball #followyourheart #pillarspodcast #tellyourstory #speakyourpassion #theworldkneelsbeforeloveitisinawe #truth #love #billyg
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