Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund, Inc., A 501c3 Non-Profit, Is An Active Duty, Casualty Assistance, Recovery, Transition And Veterans Organization That Provides Financial Support, Beyond What The Government And Veterans Affairs Can Offer, To U.S. Army Rangers And The Families Of Those Who Have Died, Have Been Disabled Or Who Are Currently Serving In Harm’s Way Around The World.
It’s Up To Us To Lead Them Back. Support Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund To Help Ease These Costly Burdens And Vital Living Expenses.
Our Son Jimmy Regan Would Be The First To Give, And He Was.
In Honor Of Sgt. James J. Regan
(Killed In Action, Iraq / February 9, 2007)
Jim & Mary Regan
John and I have been friends since college where we played lacrosse with Jimmy Regan. John climbed 9 14'ers in the Denver area in 11 days leading up to 9/11 -- all the while raising north of $20,000 for the Army Ranger Lead The Way Fund. Great job, J-Dubs!!!
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Check out these 3 gems . . .