I am Gerrish -- and this is my 3xperiment . . . .
Nov. 20, 2023

JACK McFARLAND -- U.S. DEA -- #161

JACK McFARLAND -- U.S. DEA -- #161

The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is to ensure the safety and health of American communities by combating criminal drug networks bringing harm, violence, overdoses, and poisonings to the United States. To accomplish this mission, the DEA employs approximately 10,000 personnel throughout the world – Special Agents, Diversion Investigators, Intelligence Analysts, Chemists, and professional staff – across 241 domestic offices in 23 Divisions and 93 foreign offices across the globe.

Jack McFarland is a Supervisory Special Agent (Retired) of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).  Jack’s career with the DEA spanned 32 years – taking him from the coal country of Pennsylvania to streets of Allentown and Philadelphia – and then on to Quantico where he trained agents in “tactics,” down to Caribbean where he lead teams of agents in the belly of the beast of the drug trade of the Americas, then back to the home to the mean streets of Baltimore, and finally onto to numerous assignments at HeadQuarters in Washington. 

In order to stop the bad guys you have to go to the source – and that’s what Jack spent his life doing – and even now as a “retired” agent his passion for his mission and craft could not be more keen.  Too bad Uncle Sam makes agents step away from duty at 57 years of age – or else Jack would still be on the beat and beating the bad customers – all to protect the freedom and security of the American way of life.  It is because of the work of Jack and his guys and gals that we as Americans have come to expect the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of this beautiful nation.  On the week of Thanksgiving, we all thank you, Jack – SALUTE.

I hope you enjoy this awesome podcast (I sure did) – now herrrrrrre’s JACK!

w/ love,

Billy G!

#DEA #USdrugenforcementagency #badass #warondrugs #allentown #philadelphia #quantico #caribbean #DEAtactics #marioncatholichighschool #supervisorspecialagentDEA #mcfarlandrule #bethanybeach #chasethesun #beachbuddies #thegerrish3xperiment #thegerrishexperiment #tellyourstory #speakyourpassion #theworldkneelsbeforeloveitisinawe #localpodcast  #tge #tg3 #love #billyg


never forget:

Tell your story; Speak your passion --


a sweet, nasty podcast founded in curiosity and good will toward men!

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