Cole and Nikhil cole-lapsed and nik-illed it last night talking about there efforts in the Student Visionaries Of The Year campaign to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society! Cole and Nikhil are the captains of the Hoyas For A Cure team who is competing against hundreds of other teams throughout the greater Washington DC area. We are midway through the 7-week campaign and are happy with the start, but know that the Hoyas are more of a 2nd half kinda team! Cole and Nikhil are current actively looking for people to be on their winning team (no cuts!) — so you too can help crush the ultimate enemy — cancer! Please talk to your two captains about joining such a worthy fight — you don’t have to go to Prep and you can be any age — think big and get out there and make a difference!
To donate to Hoyas For A Cure go Cole Remington or Nikhil Kambeyanda’s instagram or the instagram of Hoyas For A Cure 2.0 — do it now and make a real difference!
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Check out these 3 gems . . .