Billy Gladding is an old friend, great athlete, better family-man, and entrepreneur many-times over. His latest baby is RINGERZ – stick-bands for youth athletics. Throw a Ringerz Stick Band on your favorite sports stick – lacrosse, baseball, softball, field hockey, tennis, hockey – and everything is more fun. For the love of the game – express yourself as a player, trade ‘em, and have a ball! I got the feeling stick bands are just the beginning for RINGERS!
Billy – thank you for telling your story; speaking your passion – it’s contagious. Spread the love, chase the dream, and keep on rockin’ in the free world!
w/ love,
Billy G!
#RINGERZ #stickbands #lacrosse #youthathletics #expressyourself #entrepreneur #BillyG #pillarspodcast #thegerrishexperiment #thegerrish #tellyourstory #speakyourpassion #theworldkneelsbeforeloveitisinawe #truth #localpodcast #TG3 #love #BillyG
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Check out these 3 gems . . .